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Research Recruitment

Pompe Alliance is dedicated to advancing research and improving the lives of those affected by Pompe disease through strategic industry collaborations. We work closely with pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and medical professionals to identify and recruit participants for cutting-edge clinical trials and research studies.


Our extensive network and deep understanding of the Pompe disease community enable us to connect patients with valuable research opportunities. By partnering with industry leaders, we ensure that our community has access to the latest advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and care, ultimately driving progress and fostering hope for those affected by Pompe disease.


We have worked with industry to:

  • Recruit patients and caregivers from a diverse pool of participants

  • Work with industry to meet their quota of participants

  • Create social media announcements for research opportunities

  • Provide flexible and personalized collaboration to meet industry needs

  • Shared recruitment advertisements with a large network of patients and caregivers

  • Provided feedback and consultation regarding communication between industry and participants

​Questions about our research recruitment? Email



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